Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School List for Music Students

It's that time of year again. In our house we are finishing up all the last minute doctor and dentist appointments and getting everything we need on the back to school supply list at our local Target. This year it got me thinking what kind of back to school list is needed for my violin and viola students. Here are some things that come to mind:

1. Strings: for a beginning and intermediate student it is good to change the strings of your instrument at least every year (sometimes more often depending on how long you practice). Check with your teacher first, as I always recommend students hold out on that purchase if they are likely to go up to the next size in the next month or two.

2. Rehairing your bow: this is also a good idea once a year. (Younger students often outgrow their instrument before this is really necessary.)

3. Check your Rosin: if your Rosin is dried out or broken into little bits (or has been eaten by the family dog - which happened to one of my students) now is a good time to invest a new block of Rosin.

4. Clean out your music folder/bag: As the summer is coming to an end, I am noticing lots of music bags and folders stuffed with crumpled and wrinkled old papers and books that aren't being used anymore. It can be a great feeling to clean out all the extras - it may even be easier to practice without a lot of extra books and papers getting in the way.

5. Practice Notebook: I ask my students to bring a practice notebook or binder to each lesson. While you're at the store getting all those other school supplies it might be a great time to get a new notebook to start off the year fresh.

I would love to hear any other ideas you have about how to get ready for a new school year of lessons.

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